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Showing posts from January, 2009

Dad's away again

Dad is in the hospital again, thank God not as bad as the last time. He just need to get some medecine given to him through IV, called IVIG. Lord willing he will be out tomorrow or Saturday at the latest. Meanwhile, the kids are so happy, they get to stay with friends!!!!!!!!! Today is their skating day, (3rd time) and they are all excited. For first timers they really like it. I got Zach new skates last week that still need to be sharpen and a helmet. I still need to get Joho his own helmet as I was borrowing someone's. The first two times I was not able to take pictures, hopefully I will today. Have a great day, Joelle

Sunday Song

Before any thing, I would like to wish everyone a Blessed Happy New Year, filled with God's richest blessings and presence. I have decided that every sundays I will share a song with you, as I love singing, and hope by doing this to encourage some of you and edify others. The Power of the Cross (Keith Getty & Stuart Townend) Oh to see the dawn of the darkest day Christ on the road to calvary Tried by sinful men, torn and beaten then, Nailed to a cross of wood. {Chorus}: This the power of the cross, Christ became sin for us Took the blame, bore the wrath We stand forgiven at the cross.   {Chorus} Oh to see the pain written on your face Bearing the awesome weight of sin. Every bitter thought, every evil deed Crowning your bloodstained brow.  {Chorus} Now the daylight flees now the ground beneath Quakes as it's maker bows His head. Curtain torn in two, dead are raised to life Finished the victory cry. {Chorus}  Oh to see my name written in the wounds For through you...