In the past few days and weeks I have come across a few interesting sites that some of you might like and find useful. Here they are:
This is a site where you can find a whole lot of free posters, games, lessons and more on a wide variety of subjects. Check especially the free for kids/teachers section.
This is a site or actually a blog where the owner list freebies that she has found, and continues to find, that can be very useful for homeschoolers. She has quite a collection of interesting sites that offer free downloads. Worth checking out.
This is a site that offers nice articles on subjects like money saving and management, recipes, housekeeping and organizing. Be sure to check their blog as they give a few good tips and free stuff as well. They also offer some e-book . You can check them out here
Still on the subject of freebies, I had previously posted about a freebie site called Homeschool freebie of the day where you can get a freebie everyday. Well, this week line up sounds pretty good: money management guide, kids' recipes, a classic story book of manners, an e-book on birthday parties and a Benjamin Franklin's classic essay for young people in Audio form.
I hope you find these links useful. Let me know what you think.