As believers living in a sinful world and with sinful hearts, we have many needs. God invites us to draw close to His throne of grace to obtain mercy and grace in time of need. So, I thought it would be nice to share my top ten needs and prayer requests as I seek to grown in maturity and in grace.
1. A growing love for God - God is so good to us and has done so much for us, how can we not grow in love for Him. Without love we are nothing and we will not grow.
2. A growing love for and knowledge of God's Word - without God's Word will will remain infants.
3. A submissive heart and spirit - without a submissive attitude we will always fight the work of the Holy Spitit and it will translate in our relationships with others.
4. A servant Heart - we are called to servanthood; serve Christ and serve others, just as Christ's example of a good servant.
5. A willingness to be inconvenienced - this is a hard one. This means denying ourselves constantly and seek to ger rid of the me me me attitude.
6. Patience and more patience - this does not need any comment. We all know of our need for it, especially as homeschoolers.
7. Gracious and loving speech - we communicate so much in the way we speak, it needs to reflect God's grace.
8. To grown in diligence and discipline - as homeschoolers diligence and discipline are keys and I so need to improve in this area and be an example to my kids.
9. A deeper and better understanding of God's love and grace - as we understand better God's love and grace towards us it will compel us (to quote the apostle Paul in 2 Cor. 14-15) to godly living and to glorify our father.
10. To grow in wisdom - Oh that I learn to think God's way !
Blessings, :DM