I do not think any homeschool mom will say that the homeschooling journey is a smooth and easy one. Every year is a different year. Everyday is a different day with its own sets of challenges. That's why most homeschoolers will tell you they homeschool one day at a time and a year at a time.
So, I though I would list some of the challenges I (we) face sometimes:
1. Choosing curriculum: there are so many and not spending an enormous amount of money on educational resources.
2. Dealing with those around us who do not understand our decision to homeschool or do not share our values.
3. Keeping up a schedule and meeting our goals.
4. Keeping kids focused.
5. Keeping the house in order.
6. Including physical education and spend quality and quantity time outdoor.
7. Developing social skills (mainly if you have less that 3 kids), that's where playdates and co-ops come in. When they do, they end up with better social skills though.
8. Being patient and gracious no mater what.
9. Creating a school room: it really depends on how much space you have in your home.
10. Keeping a good attitude towards the kids and the job of a stay at home homeschool mom.
It is nonetheless a wonderful worthwhile journey.
Feel free to check out my previous top ten on Some Benefits and Blessings of Homeschooling.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Sorry it took a while to comment back. (I have been battling a week-long migraine)
I gave up on a clean house- so that's one less challenge for me!
I hope you can visit again. I'm in a bit of a blogging rut this month, but hope to have more exciting posts soon as we will be starting up our sciences again.