It's been 2 weeks since my last update. Nothing much has change since then. For some reason school has not been going as smoothly as hoped at the beginning of the year. I have not been able to do things as set in the schedule and not everything I wish to cover gets covered. So what have we been doing?
Last week was supposed to be a week off, but since we were behind in our Writing with Ease and Zach wanted to move on in TOG to Knights and Castles, we covered these subjects and added Math, Grammar Island practice and Handwriting.
This week we covered math, handwriting, started on the study of the Crusades, did Grammar Island practice and handwriting and that's about it.
We really only had 2 1/2 days of school this week. Monday we had a fieldtrip to a pionner history museum and today we had a visitor. Thursday is usually our day off which we spent at the Zoo in honor of my zoo-loving youngest whose birthday is this coming Tuesday.
I have been blessed in participating in a Good Gorning Girls group studying the book of 1 John. Accountability is great! I have been reminded of great truth that always need to be thought upon.
I have also been spending some time at A Reason To Believe, enjoying reading about science and Faith , and also reading a book my hubby gave me to read on epistemology.
Lastly I am happy that the boys are still helping with doing the dishes almost every nights, they each do half of it. This really lessens my dishes burden and of course teadches them responsibility and perseverance. Such an accomplishment.
Here are some pictures of our days out:
Castle lego model since we do not have one of those lego kingdom sets:

Zoo trip:

Museum trip:

Joho working on a grammar island sentence:

And a picture of my crusader:
