What is Math Mammoth?
"Math Mammothoffers affordable, yet quality math worktexts and workbooks for grades 1-8, available as both downloads and printed books. These books concentrate on conceptual understanding and are strong in mental math. The directions in the worktexts are written directly to the student, and are often self-teaching, thus requiring little preparation and involvement from the teacher."
Math is one subject for which somehow you never stop acquiring material for. So, when I was offered to review this Math program I was quite exited. I was happy with what we are using right now but the more the better.
I had come across Math Mammoth before and was very curious about it. Once I had it on my computer (I got the full 3rdgrade program on download), I was very happily surprised with the content.
Math Mammoth, put out by Maria Russell, is full of different math programs for different needs. You can get:
- A full curriculum for grades 1-6 (Light Blue Series) which consists of 2 self-explanatory worktexts with excercices included and a set of supportive material.
- Worktexts by topic for grades 1-6—you get both instruction and exercises (Blue Series).
- Worksheets by topic; (The Green series)
- Worksheets by grade; (the Golden Series)
- Make It Real Learning workbooks—highlighting how math is used in real life.
What is really nice about Math Mammoth is that Maria is very personable. She is ready and willing to help anyone deciding which program will be best suited for your family or child.
Math Mammoth is a mastery based program but somehow it does not feel repetitive. I think Maria does a great job in helping the child master a concept without bombarding him with repetitive exercises. The concept is explained in different ways throughout the chapter and sufficient exercises are given to understand the concept and master it.
The way I used the program was that I would print out the pages and teach it to the boys together using a whiteboard. I would explain the concept the way she did and then give them the exercises as a challenge. The boys enjoyed the challenges. This was the first time I ever heard my 7 year old say he enjoyed Math.
How much does it cost?
Blue Series - $95 (download) or $100 (CD)
Blue Series for grades 1-3 - $38 (download)
Blue Series for grades 4-6 - $57 (download)
Light Blue Series - $136 (download) or $141 (CD)
Light Blue Series for grades 1-3 - $68 (download)
Light Blue Series for grades 4-6 - $68 (download)
Golden/Green Series - $65 (download) or $70 (CD)
All Inclusive - $192 (download) or $197 (CD)
"Everything" Bundle - $240 (download only)

The making it real series goes for $4.99 for one book or $39 for all 11 books.
Printed versions are also available for some of the series.
Price range varies between $2.00 and $5.00 for some of the books and $13.95 for other.
Make sure to visit Maria's websites, she's got plenty of free stuff, info and helps for you to check out. She offers tons of free samples for you to feel the program out.
Don't forget to also check out what other crewmates have to say about Math Mammoth.

Disclosure:I was offfered a free download of Math Mammoth grade 3 full curriculum for in excahnge for an honest review of the curriculum.