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Collage Friday and Weekly Wrap-Up


This week I am going to go over our homeschooling over the past 2 weeks in 7 quick takes and photos:

1.  Besides our regular subjects such as Math, English, Handwriting and History the boys have been doing lots of Art and creations. 

 In the creative spirit, Zach likes to create TV shows of which he is the host. In the past he has had shows on a family of bears called "Bear Saga", wether and news report shows, and recently he has added a Math show and a Science show called "What is Science all About". He uses my Playbook to film himself (or Jojo or I have to actually film it for him). It needs a lot of editing for me to post it here (lots of dead space, as he thinks it through in the show itself.)

2.  Science Experiments. Last Saturday we spent some time doing some exploding creations Video would not upload.

3.  Zoo Trip. It was a lot of fun to see the new cub at our Toronto Zoo.

4. Family day was spent working on a 3D Eiffel Tower puzzle. You can see more picture on this week's Wordless Wednesday post.
5. Reading aloud: The mystery of the Periodic Table ??? Very cool book that make the study of our the Periodic Table came to be. It is even interspersed with little quick experiments, like trapping the air released by interacting vinegar and baking soda:.

6. We are enjoying working our way through A Child's Geography. Here is our little model of the atmosphere, which Zach was more interested in tasting than identifying the layers'.

7. The boys started playing basketball last week and are absolutely loving it. They keep wanting to practice inside the apartment. I would not be surprised if someone comes knocking complaining about bouncing noise . . . No picture because mom was more busy talking than taking pictures.

8. Our History has taken us through the age of Discovery, to the Reformation and the Elizabethan Age. I have not been doing much hands-on History with the kids, as we have been spending time on our review products. We have a project fair coming up at the end of March and our topic will be The Reformation, so hopefully I'll have pictures of the study of that time in History. 

9. In the course or our History studies, we have been learning about Shakespeare, and on top of reading books about him and his life, we have been introducing the boys to some of his writings.

That's about the bird's eye view of our homeschool happening these days. For more homeschool happening visit Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers and Homegrown Learners.


Stefanie said…
Boy are they having a lot of fun!!!

Popping in from the WWU
Unknown said…
This is a really nice blog you have here. I loved everthing you guys accomplished! I am going to grab a snack and come back and read through your blog. Thank you for sharing.
Mary Prather said…
Hi Joelle! I like your book about the Periodic Table...sounds very interesting!

I can understand the time spent on reviews, too. ;-)

Thanks for linking!!
Kristin said…
Hi! Stopping by from Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers. You have a nice blog!
B. Martin said…
Looks like a lot of fun hands-on happenings. I need a geography program for the fall so I am going to look into a child's geography. Happy weekend.
I added that periodic table book to my wish sounds great! Looks like your family is having a lot of fun!
What great hands on activities your boys are doing. The reason why I so love homeschooling.
Annie Kate said…
Looks like fun and so delightfully hands-on.

I'm going to look up the Periodic Table book. Thanks for mentioning it.

We have no zoo in Ottawa, and it's something we really miss.

Annie Kate
Dawn said…
You guys are having so much fun learning! I love all of the creativity.
Wow what a week! Great photos :)
Hi Joelle,

We found you via Homegrown Learners and I am so glad we did. I love the geography and science studies. We will have to look into these for sure. They look like lots of fun. Thanks so much for sharing.

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