This is going to be more like a monthly wrap-up given that it has almost been that long since my last post.
Well, this month we have:
- Done Math. I am very thankful for Math on the Level as I do not feel pressured to finish a book within a certain time frame. My goal this year was to catch up my 6 year old, who was advanced in Math, to my 8 year old who is at grade 3 level. This past month, he mastered Subtraction with regrouping and is on his way to mastering multiplication with one digit and 2 digits. Goal almost accomplished, there is still division and graph to tackle. Meanwhile Zach has been practicing these skills as well as doing some problem solving. Somehow, through our crew items, he was able to advanced through his concepts to include a bit of decimals, geometry and rounding.
- Done Grammar with Grammar Island practice sentences. My youngest really loves doing those. He only does the first level analysis, but that is good for now. The next step is to tackle subject and predicate with him. With my oldest we had taken a break from First Language Lessons, but pulled it back from the shelf this week. We should be able to finish it by June as we are at lesson 58 out of 85.
- Done Science with Elemental Science (this is soooooo taking us for ever), and Christian Kids Explore Chemistry (crew item - watch out for the review!), which is a hint here. We have covered What is Chemistry, Chemistry apparatus and Matter. They can't wait to get to the fun experiments. . .
- Done TOG. We have started unit 3 which will cover the time from the Colonization of North America to the Revolutionary War, passing through the happenings in Europe. So far we have covered Virginia and Massachusetts.
- Worked on Zach's project for the upcoming project fair next Saturday. His topic is The Reformation, a history topic for the boy who loves History. It is almost completed.
- Continued on in A Child's Geography, we are now covering the continents and hemispheres. We've used Google Earth while doing this chapter, way too much fun for the kids. . .
- Enjoyed science and history videos.
- Done Reading Eggs spelling on the computer.
- Enjoyed some floor hockey at a youth retreat from our church, out in the bunnies 2 hours away from Toronto, where hubby was the speaker. The drive there was a very scary,
exiting(or not) drive through snow, but praise God we made it there safely.
- Had a playdate yesterday, to enjoy our summer temperatures outside, and to enjoy some much needed homeschool mom fellowship, even if it was just 2 of us.
- On the reading front, the boys have been reading History related books such as Pocahontas and Squanto, some science books, Hardy Boys, Tintin, biography of Dahl, and Joho has the mission of reading Roland Wright Future Knight. Their ability to play Wii on days off and week-end is tied into their amount of reading, so . . .
I have also tried to have the boys listen to The Little Prince, which is not exactly a hit yet, and Stories from Shakespeare by Geraldine McCaughrean, which they like listening to a bit more. It has very nice retellings of Shakespeare's plays.
- Practiced piano and violin. Joho is really doing well and progressing in his piano. Zach is doing fine, doing better with his practice, but it is still a struggle to have him pick up that violin for practice.
- Dwelt with a few attitudes and character issues. We have to deal with priority problems and respect issues when not getting their way or being corrected. especially Zach. The boys always think they are always right. Go figure!
That's about it for us. For more weekly Wrap-up hop on over to Weird Unsocialized homeschoolers.