We are nearing the end of our 2nd year using Tapestry of Grace, otherwise referred to as TOG, and I am still very much in love with this great History curriculum. So, I decided it is time I get around to write something about why we love TOG:
- It is Christian based. History in TOG is taught from God's perspective.TOG emphasizes throughout the curriculum the sovereignty of God and how He works out His plans and purposes through the actions of man.
- TOG is Gospel centered. TOG's goal in teaching History is to go through the events of history and discover, and point out, humanity's desperate need of a Savior.
- TOG follows the classical model of education according to stages, that is, it follows the Trivium (Grammar, Dialectic and Rhetoric stages).
- TOG follows the classical model of a 4 year cycle through History: The Story of Redemption: Ancient World //// Between Ancient and Modern: Medieval through American Revolution //// The Nineteenth Century //// The Twentieth Century.
- It is not a scripted textbook that you read and then you are done. It is a buffet of resources from which you choose to teach your kids. That said, it still provides you with very concise and extensive teacher's notes.
- TOG is packed full with Great Books' lists and primary resources to read.
- TOG encourages critical thinking by encouraging questions and answers time between parent and student on very important themes and events that arise from the study of the different time periods.
- TOG covers an array of subjects. With tapestry you get to do History, Geography, Literature, Vocabulary, Church History, Art, Writing, and at the rhetoric level Government, worldview, and philosophy.
- Tapestry is packed-full with hands-on activities to pick from.
- Tapestry of Grace comes with lots of optional extra resources to help make the teaching of the subject easier: Map Aids, Lapbooks, Pop quizzes, Writing Aids, schedules and online extra resources found in what is called the Loom.