We are at week 3 of the Virtual Curriculum fair hosted @ Homeschooling Heart and Minds.
This week we are tackling Social Studies.
I am still using Tapestry of Grace as our main Social Studies curriculum. Have I mentioned before how I love Tapestry? I think I have. So I am not going to repeat myself yet again, but instead refer you to my different posts describing and telling you why I love it.
So here we go:
Virtual Curriculum 2013: Learning About our World
Virtual Curriculum 2012: Social Studies and Science - What Do We Do?
5 Days of Curriculum Evaluation: Tapestry of Grace
Top Ten Reasons Why We Love Tapestry
Now, my oldest loves History so he has no problem (and actually loves) following along our path on Tapestry. My youngest, on the other hand, is not a history fan, so he does not follow along as well. So, with that in mind, I do not make him do all of the assignments TOG requires. I only give him some of the history readings as I see fit. I also give him the literature readings and corresponding worksheets to do, and some of the map work. That said, because he does not follow the curriculum fully, I decided to supplement with some Geography studies with him.
They still both enjoy listening to Story of World as a complement to our History Studies.
Now, grab your cup and let’s see how other homeschoolers are Exploring Our World with Social Studies and Science:
A Classical Approach to Ancient World History for All Ages by Susan @ Homeschooling Hearts & Minds
Supercharged Science's eScience Program by Kristi K. @ The Potter’s Hand Academy
Social Studies & Science Resource Lists by Chareen @ Every Bed of Roses
History and Science: Learning About the World Around Us by Leah@ As We Walk Along the Road
Designing a Unit Study for History, Geography, or Science by Amy @ Eclectic Homeschooling
Uncle Sam & You- Notgrass by Lynn @ Ladybug Chronicles
My Favorite History Books for Boys by Monique @ Living Life and Learning
Social Studies in Our Homeschool by Laura @ Day by Day in Our World
A Peek into our Homeschool: The Sciences by Brittney @ Mom's Heart
Our Curriculum Choices 2014 ~ History & Science by Renata @ Sunnyside Farm Fun
We're having a Social Studies-heavy Year by Debra @ Footprints in the Butter
Our Journey Around the World by Laura @ Four Little Penguins
My Favourite Social Studies Curriculum by Kim @ Homestead Acres
Raising Map Nuts: Learning Geography Naturally by Kristen @ Sunrise to Sunset
The Whos, Wheres and Whys by Michele P @Family, Faith and Fridays
Exploring Our World: Social Studies and Science in our Classical Homeschool by Sharra @ The Homeschool Marm
Time Travel Throughout the World {or History and Geography in Our Homeschool} by HillaryM @ Our Homeschool Studio
Virtual Curriculum Fair Week 3: Exploring Our World – Social Studies and More Science</ a> by Stacie @ Super Mommy To The Rescue
Why We're Ditching Story of the World by Tauna @ Proverbial Homemaker
