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Virtual Curriculum Fair: The World of Patterns and Logic

On week 2 of the Virtual Curriculum Fair hosted by Susan @ Homeschooling Heart & Minds, we are looking at the World of Patterns and Logic.

What do I include in this category? Math (anything that has to do with numbers), Critical Thinking, and Science.

When it comes to logic, as a classical homechooler, this is a very important aspect of our homeschooling and education. We desire for our kids to be thinker, and good, agile, sound, biblical critical thinkers.

In light of that, here is what we are doing:
  • This year I actually have the boys work through  logic workbooks. Joho loves the Perplexors series.  He has completed levels A, B and C.  He is also working through  Critical and Creative Thinking Activities.  Zach is working his way through Orbiting With Logic.

  • We spend a lot of time playing strategy and thinking games such as Risk, Settlers of Catan, Chess and the like.

There are also a lot of other games that really help with proficiency in Math and critical thinking. To name a few:
**Logic Puzzles

**Math Rider
**Math Essentials app
**Math Ninja

  • For Math we are still using Math on the Level and lots of printables I find on the internet to supplement for exercises. I love Singapore Math Materials, so I usually grab those when I see them online or at stores for a good price. I do not do much drills, but emphasize conceptual understanding. I also do not follow traditional scope and sequences (the beauty of MoTL), but cover what they are ready to learn. I have have  making use of my review subscription of IXL for Math as well. It serves to practice a lot of the skills we have covered and introduce some new ones. For a more in depth discussion of what I like about Math on the Level check my post on curriculum evaluation.
  • For science, we have not been doing much. I do not seem to be able to follow a science curriculum through. I like the Christian Kids Explore series  (review here), and have done 1/2 to 3/4 of the chemistry one with the boys, but then stopped (hopefully to be continued). Right now we are going through one of the Basher Science book on the Human Body. I assign them daily portions of it to read, and after  reading I either test them or they do narration. I am hoping to continue with this series of books and then later on in the year try Exploration Education curriculum.
Now, it's time to grab your coffee and go read about other homeschoolers' approach to the world of Logic.

Our {almost} FREE 2nd and 4th Grade Math Program by Susan @ Homeschooling Hearts & Minds

Supercharged Science's Mathemagic  by Kristi K. @ The Potter’s Hand Academy

Math & Logic Resources by Chareen @ Every Bed of Roses

How We Tackle Middle School Math, Logic & Science by Christy @ Unexpected Homeschool

 A Peek into our Homeschool: Math & Logic by Brittney @ Mom's Heart

Math and Logic: Patterns and Reasoning by Leah@As We Walk Along the Road

Discovering Science & Math w/ Apologia & Saxon  by LynnP @ Ladybug Chronicles

Make Math Fun: Your Kids Will Thank You by Tauna @ Proverbial Homemaker

Our Curriculum Choices 2014 ~ Mathematics by Renata @ Sunnyside Farm Fun

My Favorite Math For Boys by Monique @ Living Life and Learning

Math--Our Four Letter Word by Nicole @ Schooling in the Sun

If I Knew Then What I Know Now by Kristen @ Sunrise to Sunset

Math and Science anyone? by Michele@ Family, Faith and Fridays

My 7 Favourite Math Resources by Kim @ Homestead Acres

Basic Instincts by Chelli @ The Planted Trees

Getting My Teens Ready for Algebra by Debra @Footprints in the Butter

Math We Love by Laura @ Four Little Penguins

2014 Virtual Curriculum Fair ~ Math & Science by Jennifer @ a glimpse of our life

Tackling Math and Science from Multiple Angles by Laura @ Day by Day in Our World

In the series:

Week 1: Playing with Words


Michele said…
Logic is the one place we seem to fall short, I need to look into these! Now, Settlers- we LOVE that game! Ticket to ride is another one you should check out!
Jennifer said…
We enjoy a lot of those same games. I forgot to include anything about logic and critical thinking in this post. Those things tend to be more enjoyable than math and science.

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