So, I know this blog has been quiet for the past couple of weeks. Well, this mom has been computerless for the past couple of weeks, so it has been a bit hard to get into blogging without a computer. Anyhow, thanks to the blogger app, here I am trying to give you a little recap of the past month.
1. Still waiting for a new computer that I ordered on Black Friday. I am really surprised at how one can function without a computer, except for the blogging part. Blogging on an iPad is just not the same!
2. I am a returning crew member for another year. Yeah! I love being on the crew and discover new curriculum, and try out a few. If you miss the blue Ribbon recap on the Schoolhouse Review Crew website, give it a look. The boys' top two winners are Unlock Math and Standard Deviant Accelate. My top two winners are Planted Trees, and Unlock StarToaster. I do like the boys' choices as well.
3. On the school front, things have been going slowly. With a middle schooler, that still needs to be pushed an an upper elementary, that has trouble in the Social Studies but is very independent, I find it hard to keep things on a routine. That said, we are steadily progressing. The Tapestry Co-op is working out well for Zach. He really enjoys joining the class every week.
There are a couple of subjects planned for this year that have not been touched yet, but I am hoping for the best in the new year.
4. It is Christmas season, the apartment is decorated, the tree is up, gift shopping is on the way, and best of all, Christmas songs celebrating Christ's incarnation are full swing!
5. Tomorrow the boys will be playing at a musical recital. I am really excited that the day has arrived when one of the boys is accompanying the other. Zach will be playing 2 violin songs, one of them being accompanied by his brother. This mama's heart is is pretty happy right now! We will see how it all turn out!