As a Christian family, teaching the Bible and a christian worldview is a very important element in our homeschol. When one studies Scripture, it is not just about reading the stories and making up our own interpretations. Studying the Bible is about discovering God's story and His plan for our world. It is about finding out what God has to say about the world, ourselves, who He is and about His plan of salvation for His people. There are many Bible curriculum and devotional books out there, but not all are equally solid or usable in a homeschool context. Today I thought I would share with you my to 5 recommendations when it comes to choosing a devotional or Bible curriculum to use in your homeschool.
Bible Road Trip - This is a three-year Bible curriculum that takes you through the whole Bible in three years. It is theologically rich and sound. You get to read through your Bible and complete notebooking pages to help you remember and truly grasps what it teaches. Bible memory is an integral part of it.
Firmly Planted - This is another rich and sound in theology Bible curriculum. You can read my review of it here.
Write Through the Bible - What I love about this curriculum is that you get to tackle several subjects at the same time, vocabulary, Bible Memory, and handwriting practice. This is more of a complementary resource, but if that is all you can get in, that is better than nothing.
Exploring Grace Together - I love this devotional! It is about what the title says, exploring grace and the wonderful news of the gospel. This is really good in helping your kids truly grasps what the Gospel is all about in practical terms applicable in their day to day lives.
What's Up? - A more systematic study of who God is and what he has done for us. This a really Gospel-centered curriculum worth checking out.
Here are a couple other resources highly recommended (because 5 is just not enough!)
***** The Gospel project You tube video - This a resource great for both adults and children. Always wondered or unclear about certain books of the Bible, or about certain biblical concepts, they've got you covered!
Bible Road Trip - This is a three-year Bible curriculum that takes you through the whole Bible in three years. It is theologically rich and sound. You get to read through your Bible and complete notebooking pages to help you remember and truly grasps what it teaches. Bible memory is an integral part of it.
Firmly Planted - This is another rich and sound in theology Bible curriculum. You can read my review of it here.
Write Through the Bible - What I love about this curriculum is that you get to tackle several subjects at the same time, vocabulary, Bible Memory, and handwriting practice. This is more of a complementary resource, but if that is all you can get in, that is better than nothing.
Exploring Grace Together - I love this devotional! It is about what the title says, exploring grace and the wonderful news of the gospel. This is really good in helping your kids truly grasps what the Gospel is all about in practical terms applicable in their day to day lives.
Here are a couple other resources highly recommended (because 5 is just not enough!)
***** What's in the Bible DVD series - one of the best products out there to give your children an overall picture and overview of what the Bible is all about. |
***** The Gospel project You tube video - This a resource great for both adults and children. Always wondered or unclear about certain books of the Bible, or about certain biblical concepts, they've got you covered!