While on our trip I finished a book called: Say Goodbye to Whining, Complaining, and Bad Attitudes...in You and Your Kids by Scott Turanski and Joanne Miller. I tremendrously enjoyed it. It is packed with godly advices, suggestions and principles for eragating bad attitudes in your children and oneself. It is basically on the power of honor. We often hear and read about obedience and forget that the verse in Ephesians 6 talks about both obedience and honor. In their book, the authors really expand and explain what honor is about and how to implement it in our daily dealings with our kids. They show how practicing the concept of honor in our daily dealings improves our relationships, enhaces good attitudes and touches to the heart of raising kids. This book is easy to read, fun, clear, balanced and most of all biblically sound. I highly recommend it to every parent.