It is Friday already, where did the week go? Well let's see. . .
This week was our 4th week since we started school. I am happy to say that we are still on track in Math, English, Reading and spelling. We started studying verbs in Zach's favorite curriculum First Language Lesson and he is really excited. He even likes doing the copywork part which is surprising since he really does not like to do any writing in general.
This week we did not get to do any science or history, and here is why:
Monday I had to go and check some furniture at a friend's house.
Tuesday I took the kids to water play center.
Wednesday we had guests for lunch.
Thursday we had a playdate afternoon.
Friday I had to go to the hairdresser.
I did get to squeeze in his violin practice everyday, and I am very happy about that.
This week's school time was particularly difficult because of Joho's resistance to any established routine these days. Anything you suggest him to do, he is not interrested. It has been a bit difficult to entertain him recently. Once again I am so thankful for my hubby beeing home and dealing with that while I try to get through school with Zach.
One of the cutest moment of this week was when Zach asked me, at bedtime, in his naive and sweet voice and tone: "Are we going to have a baby sister soon?" I thought that was too cute!
Another one was when he drew this picture for me, untitled Sun.
And here is a picture to share of Johann doing a handwriting assignment. He thought it would be a smart idea to trace around his magnetic O instead of freely tracing it.
For more Weekly wrap-up visit Kris @ Weird unsocialied Homeschoolers.
Have a great day,