I am finally back, after a long silence, with our weekly homeschool wrap-up. We've started school this past Tuesday after over 5 weeks of sort of vacation. In the meantime we have had colds and flus and moved into a new apartments and started at a new church.
We are now more or less settled into our new environment and getting back to a regular school schedule. The week went pretty well, considering the long break. We covered all of our subjects, which were many. Zachary actually set up his own schedule last week Saturday, and Joho and I tailored his according to Zach's.
We did Tapestry of Grace, first week in unit 2 of year 1 (ancient India), which included lots of Geography, and a book I had Zach read aloud. We also started multiplication and divisions in Math, covered some spelling and phonics, as well as our regular BJU english, some French, Bible handwritting.

The highlight of the week for the boys was doing science experiments from a kit the boys got from my sister for Christmas; it was on minerals, crystals and fossils.

Making an imprint of a dinosaur:

Doing some hardness and streak test on some minerals:

Working on crystal making:

And for the result:

This week was also my birthday, which thankfully fell on our new day off, Thursday.
We've been getting some snow this past week, but unfortunately I have not been able to take them out to play in it. Hopefully today, Saturday we will get to do so.
That's about it for this week. For more weekly wrap-up make sure to go over to Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers.
Thanks for sharing!
Missed ya!