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Where did 2013 go?

Looking Back at 2013

So we are approaching the end of another year. 2013 came and went by as did the previous years before it. Now, once again, is the time to remember and look back at what went on in 2013.

In our homeschooling life:
  • The boys moved on and pressed on in their different disciplines of studies.
  • Zach has vastly improved in his willingness to write. I no longer have to fight him to do his written assignments. This has been such a relief and blessing.
  • Zach has now 2 penpals that he enjoys receiving letter from and writing to.
  • Johann has completed the complete series of the Chronicles of Narnia.
  • They both have made good progress in their respective instruments.
  • This was a year of lego and more lego playing and creativity.
  • Zach has been writing stories upon stories on my blackberry playbook as well as attempting to create a few board games.
  • Track and field and Volleyball session participation.

  • They both have made professions of faith. Praise God for that!
  • We have started studying the Heidenburg Catechism and praying around the world daily as a family.
  • I have continued being very interested in apologetics, and started a stack of books yet to be completed.
Top two favorite books for 2013:

Me: Think Christianly by Jonathan Morrow, and What's so Great About the Doctrines of Grace by Richard D Phillips.

We had a few highlights this year:
  • A trip to the american side of Niagara Falls
  • VBS
  • Cherry picking, a first
  • Vacation in Mt-Tremblant, QC
  • A few trips to Montreal
  • Lego Discovery Center field trip
  • Our church neighbourhood car wash, and participation in the block party, as well as the giving out of candies and track on Halloween night
  • We did get to watch the awaited The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug.
  • Our yearly church camp
  • The boys officially learned how to swim
  • Participating in 2 choirs and singing at a nursing home
My few challenges:
  • Not done much science
  • Very few homeschool playdates this year
  • I have been in need of serious discipline (more on this tomorrow)
  • a few challenges at church pushed us to our knees and allowed us to demonstrate to the boys the power of prayer and the imperative of staying true to God's Word and His Truth.
A few blog posts to share:

Best things to be thankful  to the Lord for:
  • My new printer
  • Relatively good health for all 4 of us all year long
  • My brother coming to study in Canada (now I actually have a babysitter!)

Overall, 2013 has been a good, somewhat quiet year (though not without its challenges). So thankful to God for His unfailing faithfulness!

This is a blog fair, so check out other moms' look over 2013:

2013 - a messy but blessed year by April E. @ ElCloud Homeschool: Busy MindsBusy Hands, Busy Feet

2013: A Look Back by Leah @ As We Walk Along the Road

Five Revelations From 2013 by Clara @ A Slice Of Homeschool Pie

2013 is Almost Gone by Kristen @ Sunrise to Sunset

2013- A Reflection on our Year by Jennifer @ Conversaving

Embracing the Bright, Shining Moments and Growing in Our Struggles by Susan @ Homeschooling Hearts & Minds

Saying Goodbye to 2013 by Tess @ Circling Through This Life

I'm the Mom of three teen boys, and other highlights of 2013 by Debra @ Footprints in the Butter

Looking Back Over 2013 Adventures In Homesteading & Homeschooling by Kim @Homestead Acres

2013 ~ The Good, The Bad, And The Beautiful by Audra Silva @ Simply Audra Marie

Real Moments of 2013 by Cristi @ Through the Calm and Through the Storm

It's a Beautiful Life--2013 Edition by April B. @ Coffee, Cobwebs, and Curriculum


Kim said…
I really enjoyed reading your post. It looks like you've enjoyed a wonderful year! Wishing your family a very Happy New Year!
Susan said…
I love the photo collages---you have a beautiful family, Joelle. :)

Thank you for sharing your joys and challenges from 2013. I hope you have a Blessed New Year!
Unknown said…
I am right there with you on the "serious discipline" part. For me, I find that I need to get back to being disciplined when it comes to homeschooling. I thought I would do better this school year, but find that I still have to work at it.

I look forward to reading your post on this subject.
Joelle said…
Clara, it is a constant struggle but my plan for this year is to keep reminding myself of my values, and start being more routined.
Joelle said…
Kim, Thank you and a Happy New Year to you too!

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