On our second to last week of the Summer Planning Series, Susan from Educating Today is delighted to share with you all how to plan a delight-directed education. Oh, What a Delight 5 Reasons Delight Directed Learning Helps Children to Focus First, let’s start out by defining delight directed learning . (By the way, this is a great study skill to teach your kiddos.) Always know the definition of what you’re talking about, know what your terms mean, and make sure those you are talking to understand your meaning of the terms or ideas. Don’t take it for granted that they think the way you do. Delight directed learning simply means, that as much as possible, your children’s education is built around their interests and delights rather than on generic textbooks, workbooks or a curriculum’s scope and sequence. What delight directed learning is not: Delight directed learning is not choosing a subject for your children and then letting th...
Happenings of just another homeschooling family.