I have a new recently found gadget: it is called OneNote. It is a microsoft office software that was already on my computer and I did not even know it. I first heard about it on Kris' Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers blog. It is pretty handy and easy to use.
Are you one of those people who have paper with notes on them hanging all over the house? Are you one of those people always looking all over the house for that one piece of information that you wrote somewhere, and can't seem to locate? Well OneNote can be your answer.
I am one of these people, and I have found OneNote very handy in helping me keep track of my notes. Now, every time I find something that I want to remember I write it on my OneNote page. I keep it open on my computer, that way I can easily move from my browser to it. I copy and paste links, information, anything you name it, piece of information. You can even organize it the way you want. I have made notebooks for personal, homeschool, household. And, within my homeschool notebook, for example, I have made sections on the different subjects. Within these sections I have made pages like, curriculum, library resources, internet resources, articles etc.... The different sections, notebooks or pages, are easy to navigate through, the names are on tabs that you click on at the top or on the sides.
So, go and check out if you have that software on your computer and I would definitely encourage you to try it out.
If you don't, you can always use a manual notebook that you keep on the side of your computer. That is what I have been using till I discovered OneNote. And, even if I really love OneNote, I will hang on to my little notebook as well. I actually recommend having one of these notebooks, that you can get at the dollar store, in all the strategic places at your house, computer desk, kitchen, bedroom etc...)
And that's it for my Work for me wednesday.
For more Work For me Wednesday head on over at We Are That Family.
Have a great day, Joelle
I've also downloaded a calendar (page-a-month) that has been indispensable in keeping up with my blogging and review schedule.