Since there was no weekly wrap-up round up last week, you are welcome to check our wrap-up from last week here.
On to this week: It's free week. I decided to take a week off since I had been feeling so tired over the previous 2 weeks. This seems to have helped to relieve some of that tiredness.
So what did we do?
Monday, absolutely nothing. The kids had free rein and although I had planned to do some cleaning I do not know where the day went.
Tuesday, we were invited out for dinner, so that took half the day. In the morning I made some Christmas ornaments.
Wednesday, I cleaned out the master bedroom and of course that meant new furniture placement.I am the only one who does that?
Thursday, we had a fieldtrip to a victorian museum. You can read about it here.
Today we had a day out of town to visit a place that sells real mennonite sausages. We love them.
Tomorrow Zach has a group violin play in in the afternoon which should be fun.
Next week we will resume school for 2 more weeks, mixed with Christmas activities, then it will be Christmas holiday here.
And that is it. How was your week?
For more weekly wrap-up visit Kris @Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers.
Have a great day,