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Literature Corner

Our house is full of books of all sorts. When the boys were younger they loved to read non-fiction books on different topics such as police, firefighting, trucks, building, emergency, garbage, recycling etc.... As they grew older they developed a love for fiction and literature books.

We use Tapestry of Grace as our history program, which is a literature rich program, and I try to have the boys read as much of the literature listed as possible.

We have also greatly benefited from reading the books' suggestions from A Child's Geography and Story Book Artist unit Study.

On top of these, I try to pick books for the boys to read using these resources:

Here is a running list of the classics that we have read and listened to, and that the boys enjoyed (this list is not exhaustive - they read lots of non-fiction books as well). This list does not include all of the books from TOG or from our Artist study (I am only recording the ones they actually enjoyed a lot):


Dr Zeuss books


A Pocket for Cordoroy

Beady Bear

Nate the Great series

Cam Jansen series

Richard Scarry's books

Blueberries for Sal

Winnie the Pooh (the Original)

Thomas the Tank Engine

Thomas and Friends

Sylvester and the Magic Pebble

Minnie and Moo books

Little Bear series

Toad and Frog series

Story of Ferdinand

George and Martha series

Alexander and The Terrible, Horrible, No good, Very Bad day

Always Room for One More

Caps for Sale

Curious George series


Goodnight Moon

Harry the Dirty Dog

House that Jack Built

Paddle to the Sea

If you give a Moose a Muffin

If you give a Mouse a Cookie

Little Engine that Could

Little House

Make way for Ducklings

The Ugly Duckling

Stone Soup

Velveteen Rabbit

Horse in Harry's Room

Mouse Soup

Mouse Tales

Mike Mulligan and the Steam Shovel

Jillian Jiggs stories

The Runaway Bunny

The Complete Tales of Peter Rabbit

Where the Sidewalks Ends

The Giving Tree

The Carrot Seed

The Snowy Day

Other Don Freeman books

The Story of Ping

A Bear Called Paddington

Norman the Doorman

A Babysitter for Billy bear

Chuggy and the Blue Caboose

Charlotte's Webb

The Trumpeter Swan

The Story House

Bread and Jam for Frances

Busy Trains


The Boxcar Children Mysteries

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Charlie and the Glass Elevator

The Magic Treehouse Series

The Chronicles of Narnia (all 7 books)

Roland Wright Future Knight

Hardy Boys Series (the old one)

Hardy Boys Adventures

Mr Poppin's Penguin

A-Z Mysteries

Middle School

The Swiss Family Robinson


The Boxcar Children

Tom sawyer

Huckleberry Finn

The Hobbit

Kingdom's Call

Around the World in 80 Days

The Brixtons' Brothers series 

Kingdom's Call Series

Pilgrim Progress

The Golden Goblet

Time at the Top

The Penderwicks series

The Brotherband Chronicles series

Horrible Histories and Science series

The Indian in the Cupboard series

Victory on the Walls

Rangers' Apprentice series

The Hunger Games series


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