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Who We Are

My name is Joelle and I am a christian (born again and reformed in doctrine) SAH homeschool mom. I am married to my wonderful, loving, God fearing, avid reader and also good cook, husband. We have been married since 2002, and we have 3 VERY different boys, born respectively in 2003 and 2005 and 2017. 

We have always homeschooled, as the boys have always shown advanced skills.

My oldest is a history and fact lover (right now his interest is on superheroes movies). He lives on Wikipedia and loves writing (not penmanship though). My youngest is a Math and logic puzzle lover, as well as the active one of the family. He loves playing sports, his top three being soccer, football and basketball.

We are a very mixed family. I am a French citizen born on the island of Martinique, my husband was born in Manila in the Philippines, and my 2 boys were born in Jamaica, where we ministered for 4 years. We met at Toronto Baptist Seminary were we both graduated.

We love cooking, watching movies and shows and reading. We are also fans of Marvels and DC movies (ok, mainly the boys). We also love to travel and go on road trips. We love to have people over and be of service to our fellow believers.

About 13 years ago my husband almost died from an auto-immune disease but is now in remission (recently totally off medication), for which we praise the Lord. He is the senior pastor of a church in Toronto.

This blog is my attempt at chronicling our adventures in homeschooling, and also at helping other homeschoolers by sharing helpful links, and websites that I come across. Occasionally, I also share about books, food, parenting and christian living,. You will also find lots of reviews on here in a hope to help you navigate through the plethora of curriculum out there. I have a member of the Schoolhouse review crew for about over 4 years.

I love to play games and have fun. I am known for my very heartfelt and loud laughter, which I guess is a good thing. I really enjoy reading blogs and meeting new people.

You can also find me @ Year Round Homeschooling where I am the History contributor.

Above all things we strive to glorify our wonderful God who made us and provided salvation for his people, not on our own merit but on the merit of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. We strive to teach this to our kids, and exemplify a life of submission to God’s sovereignty and His Word.

Have a look around and let me know you stopped by. I would love to meet you all.


Anonymous said…
Hi Joelle!

Thanks for visiting my blog. Love yours!

Mary at My Tropical Home, dropping by from The Crew
Well, hello! I just found my way to your sight. You have a beautiful family. It's always fun to meet other Christian homeschoolers! I really appreciate your literature corner!....Always nice to have a good list to peruse!
Unknown said…
Hi Joelle, I ran across your blog tonight while doing some curriculum research for our family for next year. I've recently started blogging as well and it's great to "meet" another Canadian, Christian homeschooler. We're a military family. Ontario is home for us (grew up in Niagara) but we're currently in Saskatchewan. Looking forward to following you. Feel free to pop by our little corner of the internet at
graciegirl said…
Hi Joelle! Just found you through Canadian Homeschooler giveaway post! I live in Toronto and homeschool my 3 kids. Currently looking for a homeschool group. You have a wonderful blog. Thank you for some great ideas! :)
Jennifer said…
Its fun getting to know blogging friends better. Thanks for sharing your intro!

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