Today was Zach's birthday. It is hard to imagine how time flies, but here we are 6 years later. He is still the very spirited, outside the box thinker, happy, crazy boy that he was as a baby. He is just smarter now and knows better. We love him and are very proud of him. Our hearts are full of hopes for him.
He still had his violin group this morning, then had a playdate with some friends and then off to an hour of bowling. We all had fun.
Then back home for more play, presents, dinner and B-day cake.

We are so thankful to the Lord for our son and pray that the Lord will take hold of him and made a servant of Him for His glory.
Have a great day,
He still had his violin group this morning, then had a playdate with some friends and then off to an hour of bowling. We all had fun.
Then back home for more play, presents, dinner and B-day cake.
We are so thankful to the Lord for our son and pray that the Lord will take hold of him and made a servant of Him for His glory.
Have a great day,