It is this time of the year yet again. I am joining up with the Back-to-School Blog Hop again to share our plans for the next school year.
Throughout the year I start researching for the next year curriculum and this year was no different. The challenge around this time is to cut down on all the choices that I have made during the year.
I think I have pretty much finalized my list for my 3rd grader (who will be 8 in November) and my 1st grader (who will be 6 in October). We pretty much school year round. No big break but lots of small breaks.
Math on the Level: it is not a graded Math curriculum but concept oriented, so I can combined my boys pretty easily, as my youngest catches up on concepts quicker than my oldest. Also because it is more of a living math approach, there is not as much sit down work, which makes my oldest hates Math.
Story of the World 2 Audio and Activity book: I use this as complements to TOG as well. My oldest is very auditory and this works well for him. the boys loved Year 1.
Real Science 4 kids Level I Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy: The boys love science and really enjoyed Real Science 4 Kids Pre-level I last year, so I am sticking with it. We will use books in the library for the experiments and we usually supplement with lots of videos from the library as well. A couple of months ago I started Elemental Science Biology for the Grammar Stage and seems to like it, so I might do The Earth Science and Astronomy sometime next year.
Grammar Island, Building Vocabulary and Music Hemispheres: Michael Clay Thompson
A Child's Geography by Ann Voskamp
Language Art:
First language Lessons 4 for Zach and 1&2 for Joho)
Writing with Ease 2 for Zach and Writing with Ease 1 for Joho
I make up my own spelling lessons using Natural Speller.
We will continue with:
Charlotte Mason Scripture Memorization System
Training Hearts, Teaching Minds
May be adding:
Mighty Acts of God: A Family Bible Story Book
Prima Latina (Zach) - We will just be continuing this from this year.
I will be adding lots of literature and biography readings from the library. I have started doing this as of last month. We started with composers biographies. I am hoping to add artists, scientists. Zach really enjoyed reading about Alexander The Great and Julius Caesar when we studied them in our TOG. We will be using living books as well such as Phytagoras, which Zach enjoyed too.
On a side note, I made it into the TOS Crew this year so we will be adding all the wonderful products The Homeschool Crew will have for me to review. This will be a new venture for me and I hope I will be able to incorporate them well.
This post is also linked up at:
A Classic Housewife
Training Children Up for Christ
Educating Layton
Congratulations on making it on the Crew this year. You will have a blast.
Welcome to the crew!
Happy Schooling! I'll be seeing you on The Crew:)